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The magazine is currently on hiatus. Articles submitted may be included in our regular newsletter.
Advice to Magazine Contributors:
Members and friends of Hull Unitarians are invited to submit articles for consideration for publication by the Editor. One, two or three pages may be allocated and therefore short items should not exceed 300 words, or aim for 600 words and the limit of 900 words. Authors must allow space for any photos or diagrams. Any exceptions are to be discussed in advance with the Editor. Authors are required to confirm ownership of copyright including any photos or diagrams or to declare open source materials, and to indemnify Hull Unitarians against any breach of copyright be it intentional or inadvertent. Copyright is vested in the authors of all material in this magazine. When authors cite sources use APA style (see The Editor and Compiler are happy to advise on how to cite references correctly.
Articles are to be submitted preferably electronically in rich text format (.RTF). Photos or drawings are to be sent in large .JPG or .PNG or .BMP formats. The Editor reserves the right to either defer or to refuse to publish any materials. Authors may provide a brief biographical statement (maximum 50 words).