There is an established meditation practice among members and friends of Hull Unitarians. We gather on Thursday afternoons and commence our meditation at 2.30 pm. The session will conclude at 3.20 pm when we will share refreshments. We follow the practice of the Findhorn Foundation in attunement before the meditation commences because this is a time for mutual support as each person seeks for compassion and for meaning in their life. Each week we use different approaches to our meditation. These techniques include breath meditation, visualisation, the use of chants from both western and eastern traditions and a Unitarian version of the Buddhist loving kindness mantra.
Our meditations are linked in spirit with a universal Thursday meditation by people around the world who have connections with the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland through the international Findhorn resource people network.
Check the current newsletter for the meditation programme for the current month.
If you have not used meditation before, you are welcome to contact us to learn more, or just come along to try out the experience. Our meditations are guided so if it is your first time, you will have sufficient advice and support to enjoy the experience. In meditation, you always remain in control of your own mind and body.
For information and analysis regarding the Meditation Feedback for 2017 please click here