April 27th – Charity Coffee Morning

The sponsored charity coffee morning this month will be held on Friday 27th April from 10:30am to 12 noon.

We will be raising funds for Hull Veterans Support Centre and there will be an introduction to the work they do from a representative of the centre.  There will be refreshments, a table top sale and tombola.

Why not come in for a coffee and a chat, and raise money for a local charity.

For more information  http://www.hvs-c.org.uk/index.html

or contact the church on 01482 224662


JANUARY 28 2018 12.45 TO 2.45 at HULL UNITARIAN CHURCH, Park Street

People of all faiths and none are welcome.

Join us to welcome members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association to talk on how to join together to address the threat of terror with love.

Plenty of time for discussion and questions. An opportunity to learn from people who are making a difference.

Our speakers:

  1. Dr Kamrudeen Mohammed – Consultant Endocrinologist Hull Royal Infirmary and Vice President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Humberside
  2. Mr Hassan Selby – Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Humberside.

For more information about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association refer to their web site: http://www.loveforallhatredfornone.org/

Please RSVP by phone, email, or in person.

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